I Have a Threadless Shop Now

Threadless shops are cool.

Yeah, that was a reference to a tv show. Still running, though the reference is pretty old. Who knows where it’s from? I’ll give you credit for being right if you comment with the correct answer.

Anyway. For about as long as I’ve been in the print on demand game (which isn’t really that long), I’ve had warring desires to get my art up on as many platforms as possible but also keep it simple so I don’t have to spend a ton of time uploading to all those different platforms. Now, Threadless seems to be designed for illustration-style artwork more than it is for repeating designs, and I find the editor less than intuitive. So it maybe falls a bit more on the time-consuming side than is ideal for my business.


They have shoes. And maybe it’s strange that I would find those shoes so compelling, seeing as how I only really wear shoes that go with anything. But I can’t make them on any of my other platforms. I could apply to make espadrilles on Zazzle, but… well, I have to apply. And be approved.

So maybe it’s really about being able to just go in and make something that I would otherwise have to go through an application process for.

Whatever the reasons, I made an account and uploaded some designs and put them on some products. Right now, I’ve just got four colors each in my basic Nested Hexagons and Six-Pointed Stars designs, Almost-Rainbow Stripes, Primary Color Rings, and a Tri-Colored Star. And none of those are on all the products I think they’d work on. But it’s a start. And I can sell shoes.

Let me know if there are any particular designs you think I should add soon. Actually, always feel free to let me know if there’s a design of mine you’d like on another shop or product, and I will do my best to accommodate you. Though I am putting a pause on uploading to Redbubble for the time being. The whys don’t really belong in this post.

You can check out my shop here: https://badeesiedesigns.threadless.com/

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